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2nd Grade Fun!
2nd Grade Fun!
Welcome Back to School!
Welcome Back to School!
School Lunch Hero Day
School Lunch Hero Day!
Color Dash 2024!
Color Dash 2024!
Color Dash 2024!
Color Dash 2024!
Bingo Night!
Bingo Night!

Mr. Sims and Ms. Jordan called numbers during our annual Bingo for Books!

Book Character Day!
Book Character Day!
CD Fashion Show
CD Fashion Show

Our CD teachers and students participated in a fashion show to cap off their clothing unit.

PBIS Incentive
PBIS Incentive

Mr. Sims was taped to the wall as a school wide incentive for positive behaviors!

Book Character Day
Book Character Day

Our teachers participating in our book character day

Laurel Hill is a NAEYC Accredited School!
Laurel Hill is a NAEYC accredited school!
Laurel Hill successfully maintained it's NAEYC accreditation in the fall of 2023.  The accreditation renewal maintains Laurel Hill's status until 2028.  Laurel Hill continues to set the standard in early childhood instruction, as it is one of the few primary schools in the state of South Carolina to hold the accreditation.
Teach With Love
Teach With Love

We are a staff committed to providing developmentally appropriate, child-centered learning experiences.

Color Dash!
Color Dash 2023

Our first ever Color Dash raised over $50,000 for Laurel Hill and continues to be a successful fundraiser.  We are hosting our 3rd annual Color Dash this November!

Color Dash!
Color Dash!

Our first ever Color Dash raised over $50,000 for Laurel Hill and continues to be a successful fundraiser.  We are hosting our 3rd annual Color Dash this November!

News & Announcements

Upcoming Events

Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Jame Smith, Grade 8

Praesent commodo cursus magna, nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Joe Smith, Grade 5